E. Nisar Khan
Nisar is currently the Managing Associate of Tigacom Group, which specializes in Healthcare, IT, Data Centers / Nanotechnology / Stem Cells research /Telecom / Green Technologies, and communications products with successful projects in the US, Asia, Europe, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. With over 20 years of experience in business development and as an entrepreneur in Telecom/Renewable Green Technologies and Communications sector, Khan is also a Managing Partner with UP Capital & Strategies and a Managing consultant to Opportunity Network which is a business matchmaking platform that enables CEOs to share and connect to business opportunities worldwide. Khan is a Managing Partner with Aeon Life Care, Alpyh Refinery, Powerline Communications, Navitus Solutions, and Condor-Pearl Airlines.
Nisar brings extensive experience with numerous JV Partnership projects in the Middle East, Africa and Asia with companies specializing in communications products and global application. Khan is a minority stakeholder of Condor Pearl Airlines. Khan holds both B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Nebraska in Electrical Engineering specializing in Fiber optics and mass communication. Having social concerns, Khan is a strong advocate for Human Rights around the Globe and currently sits on several Non-Profits Boards.